Sunday, February 12, 2012


Assalamualaikum dan salam 1 Malaysia.. Semenjak pelancaran Skim SARA 1 MALAYSIA, rasanya saya macam di hujani berbagai bagai soalan tentang skim baru ni...Tidak dinafikan Skim SARA 1 Malaysia ni memang menguntungkan..Rasanya bagi sesiapa yang layak untuk Skim ini jangan lepaskan peluang..

Setahu saya Skim ni  tidak ada tarikh tutup, selagi dana yang di peruntukan belum habis di langgan..jadi tunggu apa lagi, bagi mereka yang berumah tangga pendapatan isi rumah tidak melebihi RM3000 memang layak untuk Skim ini..Bagi mereka yang bujang pun setahu saya memang layak untuk memohon skim ini asalkan anda ada tangungan, tips yang saya perolehi untuk memohon skim ini kalau anda seorang daripada penerima Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia "BR1M" sila sertakan salinan surat yang anda terima bersama voucher BR1M tersebut..

Borang permohonan SARA 1 MALAYSIA boleh di muat turun di pautan di bawah.

untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang SARA 1 MALAYSIA sila ke pautan di bawah


Sprinkle - Android Games

hey..its been a while since my last update on my you guys doing?..hope things doing great..anway recently i've been to android market and install a very interesting, addicting and coolest android games ever.. its called Sprinkle..

This android Games comes with free version and paid version..which in paid version it has 2 type, 1 is Sprinkle and the other one is Sprinkle Junior..this games is about how you going to spalsh the water and save the cute little village from burning out..a very fun games though..

you can try the free version first and i bet you will love planing to get a paid version because its only usd$2.03 this games is worth to buy..below are the screenshot and video review about this games..have fun... :)

Here is the review video of this games..


Friday, February 3, 2012

Memandu Malam..............

Pernah memandu malam..pernah kan? Pernah memandu malam seorang?..pernah kan...pernah balik dari kerja lewat malam seorang?...pernah kan...ermmm hari ni aku saja la mo kongsi pengalaman...hehehe...kongsi pengalaman tu baik dan mana tau mungkin sapa sapa yg baca blog ni buli berkongsi pengalaman and bagi idea, pendapat ka atau petua..hehehe...

ok mine punya cerita x la seram atau menakutkan sangat..ehhhh lupa gtau..ok pengalaman memandu malam sorg sorg ni kompom la pengalaman yang kurang menyenangkan kn?? yes pengalaman aku balik malam hari tu memang mengerunkan, selama aku ulang alik Beaufort-Sipitang selama 5 tahun x pernah aku jumpa apa apa, mlm 26hb january tu jugak la rezeki aku..hahaha...

ok kalau jalan sepanjang perjalanan mcm kat gmbr di atas, alangkah bahagia nya malam malam road light ok...paling best aku melalui 70% kawasan hutan sepanjang perjalanan balik rumah...hehehe lucky me..kalau nak cakap gelap, memang la gelap jalan kampung kn..tapi jalan ok berturap bawak kreta 130km/j mcm teda bha tu..hehehe..

keadaan jalan mcm gambar kat atas ni, imagine it malam lah...di jadikan cerita malam 26hb januari tu aku terpaksa balik lambat bertugas demi negara kan kat ofiz, keja punya keja siap la jam 11 mcm tu.. kuar dari opis dlm jam 11.20 mcm tu..fuh best jak balik jalan drive sorg sorg jalan lengang bwk laju tanpa risau..hehehe..wlupun jln pekan kecik kalau siang busy siot jugak tau..huhu...

so di jadikan cerita la, menambahkan rezeki aku plak mlm tu mlm jumaat...suweii betul la..hahhaa..masa kerja mlm tu bnyk jgk la bercerita pasal pengalaman hantu siap buat lawak mlm tu saya smpi la satu tempat ni..memang terkenal dengan cerita dia kan..aku klu malam drive jln lengang mmg bagi lampu tinggi sebab senang tengok ada benda ke binatang ke manusia kat jalan senang elak..

 sampai satu tmpt tu kawasan kelapa sawit..lebih kurang la mcm gmbr kat atas tu klu mlm mlm mmg jelas nampak apa ada kat pokok kelapa sawit tu klu bg lampu tinggi,guess what apa aku nampak..aku nmpk satu lembaga putih bertengek atas pokok kelapa sawit..seriuss !!!!! takut gilak ni..ermmm aku mmg confirm benda tu dengan jelas jembalang bertengek diselubungi kain putih...mmg seram gilak...aduii apa lagi aku tekan pedal minyak mcm org gilak..hahaha...lucu jugak bila pikir balik..aku paling takut kalau benda tu muncul kat tmpt lain pulak, alhamdulilah teda..hehehe...mmg aku seram..esok pagi aku p keja aku jln slow kat tmpt tu nak bg confirm kan,mn tau ada org sangkut kain ke apa, but none..teda apa yg kena sangkut kat mlm tu aku memang confirm nampak c kawan...hehehehe

so moral of my story,jangan la takut sangat..hehehe..well jujur aku memang takut jugak, tapi aku selalu tanam kat diri sendiri kalau benda tu kita tak kacau insyallah makhluk tu tak akan kacau just maybe dia terleka sket smpi org lain boleh nampak dia...and aku pcaya kan kita nda payah lah mo rakam rakam video makhluk ni, klu dia nak sangat masuk camera korg, korang tak perlu tunggu malam or cari tmpt seram utk tngkp gambar dia..SKG pn dia boleh kuar tapi tidak kan bab dia tak klu dia tak nak means dia tak nak korg tngkp gmbr dia,means klu korg p rakam jugak means korg kacau dia punya life,..mcm sy ckp tadi kalau kita tak kacau life dia, dia tak akan kacau klu kita kacau life dia means dia mungkin akan kacau kita balik...mau?

bila cerita sm org benda ni bnyk petua kena bagi...simpan limau kapas kat dlm kreta, baca ayat kursi klu nmpk benda ni..hehe..insyallah selamat....tapi..tapi dia pun mahluk allah, so tiada apa yang perlu di takutkan...allah tu maha mengetahui... 

Lastly, banding hantu dan orang, aku lagi takut orang..hantu tak ugut bawak parang mintak serah handphone ke wallet ke, duit ke, or even worst minta kunci keta, hantu tak mcm tu, dia just show up skejap jer, tapi kalau manusia jahanam habis kita kena kerjakan bunuh hati hati dengan manusia..ada manusia yang lebih menakutkan daripada hantu...

Thanks sudi baca blog aku :) drive safe kalau memandu malam malam... :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chronicle Movie and the crazy gimmick to promote the movie

Ads for 1978's "Superman: The Movie" proclaimed "You'll believe a man can fly."  This past weekend, a very different kind of promotion for a new superhero film actually did convince some New Yorkers that human beings had taken to the skies.
What looked to be three people were spotted flying around the skies of lower Manhattan last Friday, causing a lot of double-takes and dropped jaws from onlookers.  But while it appeared to be a sight straight out of a comic book, it was actually a clever bit of viral marketing for this week's upcoming film "Chronicle."  Those aren't people in the air, but some very intricately designed radio-controlled airplanes.  Watch the video of their flight, and keep reading to learn how it was done.

The movie tells the story of three high school students who discover they have superpowers, including the ability to fly.  To promote it, the studio called on Thinkmodo, a company that specializes in creating viral sensations.  They first made a splash with a video that seemed to show a man using an invention to hack into the video screens in Times Square.  It was later revealed to be a tie-in for the Bradley Cooper movie "Limitless," which went on to be a surprise hit.  For "Chronicle," though, the team had a different direction in mind.
I interviewed James Percelay, the co-founder of Thinkmodo, over email about the video.  He said he and his partner Michael Krivicka were approached by 20th Century Fox, the studio behind "Chronicle," and they hatched a plan to do a live event they would also film for a viral video.  Percelay said they received approval for the project just three weeks ago.  They employed model airplane builders in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and New York to build the three featured planes and two back-ups.
Percelay said, "The planes are highly sophisticated dacron/carbon fiber, battery-powered, radio-controlled units," each with over 200 parts.  Percelay described the individual pieces as being "light and delicate as potato chips."  Their "flying people" are six feet tall, but they weigh only four pounds.  The aircraft were all built in a week, half the time it would normally take to construct them.
Percelay wouldn't reveal exactly who was piloting the planes in the video, only to say "[They] are expert AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) members with amazing skills."  They practiced flying for two days in Long Island before taking them out for a spin in New York.  According to the Los Angeles Times, the three people-planes made six trips over the Hudson River, each lasting only five minutes due to the short lives of their batteries.  One flyer did take a tumble into the river and had to be fished out by the NYC Harbor Patrol.
Unlike the "Limitless" video, where the promotional aspect was hidden until the viral element has spread across the Internet, the "Chronicle" stunt actually shows how it was done.  Percelay said the Thinkmodo team felt "the behind-the-scenes aspect of this video was even cooler than trying to create a hoax."  In an age when we assume everything we see has been digitally manipulated in one way or another, it is especially impressive to watch real aircraft being piloted to such an amazing effect.
Percelay said that the spectators in New York -- notoriously a hard-to-impress bunch -- were uniformly astounded by the flying people.  He said, "We loved that nobody felt threatened by them since their movements were so life-like and graceful... A number of people said it looked like an 'aerial ballet.'"
"Chronicle," the movie that inspired the stunt, opens this Friday. Watch the trailer below.


Samsung tab 10.1 finally have the update for honey comb 3.2, the firmware update available over the air.

This is the result after i run quadrant run full benchmark, the result is not much different on this update of honey comb 3.2. well maybe it because the ADW Launcher that i run at the background while doing this test, i will give update on battery life later.

Below are the review of honey comb 3.2. 

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Assalamualaikum dan salam 1 Malaysia.. Semenjak pelancaran Skim SARA 1 MALAYSIA , rasanya saya macam di hujani berbagai bagai soalan tentan...